Thursday, January 7, 2010


Eggs are part of a healthy balanced diet. You should eat dairy products at least once a day. Eggs can be eaten 5 different ways and maybe some other ways. On way of eating the eggs are scrambled. Scrambled is my third favourite way to make eggs because it is the easiest way to make eggs. Another way to eat your eggs is eggs Benedict. I’ve only tried this once in my life at a restaurant up north, it’s pretty good. I would put this as my number four. My favourite way to cook an egg would be over easy. The best taste is when you take my Nonna`s pizza bread and dunk it in the egg yoke and you suck it up with the bread. I could die because its one of the best tastes in the world according to me. My favourite sandwich is the egg mcmuffin at McDonalds. It’s a sandwich of chopped up bacon, Kraft cheese, egg and English muffins. Last Saturday I was texting my friend at 12 o’clock about making an egg mcmuffin but I got too tired to make one and just didn’t make one. The next morning it was a Sunday and my dad says Nick I’m making egg mcmuffins and I said I’ll have two. Lol

Monday, January 4, 2010

Penut butter and jelly

Peanut butter and jelly is probably one of the best food creations that was ever created for a fast and easy snack. During my Christmas break I’ve been getting hungry at night and I would get too tired to make anything like grilled cheese so I popped some bread in the toaster and get my jif peanut butter and some smuckers strawberry jelly. You can eat your toast with just peanut butter which is really good when the peanut butter melts on the bread. Some people may like to eat there peanut butter and jelly sandwich or on one piece cut a certain way. You can cut your sandwich in to two pieces or four pieces. I prefer not to cut my peanut butter sandwich. As a little kid I remember going to the Qualities suites in London and going to the continentals breakfast and saw my dad take the jelly and cream cheese and put it together. When I put them together and tried it for myself I said wow that is really good every once in a while I enjoy that delight. I hope that next time you’re at home in the kitchen and you’re wondering what to make you will try this awesome concoction.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Fries are one of the amazing tasty pleasures of food when cooked correctly. What I mean by that is have you ever eaten NYF fries in silver city and you say wow these fries are really good but, then you get a little deeper in the cup and you go ask for a refund. That’s what I mean. If you ever come over to my house and we have burgers or something I will make my famous French fries and those are good fries. Once I had a couple of friends over in the summer and I made some fries and it took more time to make the fries then to eat them. There are two general kinds of potatoes that you see almost every day. Those potatoes are white potatoes and sweet potatoes. I prefer the white potato more then the sweet potato but my brother is the opposite. For me the best kind of ketchup is a ketchup named hunts but you can only get that ketchup in the states. In stead of always deep frying your fries you can bake your fries in the oven at 350ºF. I prefer eating my fries deep fried because I love the taste of the oil you cook it with. I use corn oil to deep fry my fries.

Monday, December 14, 2009


There are many different kinds of cookies in the world, such as peanut butter cookies, cinnamon cookies, sugar cookies and many more tasty cookies. You can buy cookies at the store premade were you have to put in the oven, some that are already made to pop in your mouth and you have to buy the ingredients at the store for homemade. In my opinion I think that homemade cookies are the best tasting cookies. Except for the time that me and my friends were chilling at my house and my mom said let's make some sugar cookies. So we all helped her to make the cookies and when we were all done we put them in the oven till they got golden brown. Once they were done we started to eat them and said eww there is no sugar in these sugar cookies. True story we still talk about that even today. There are also cookies for tradition. In my family my mother makes birds nest cookies once a year they are really good. Do you have any cookie traditions? Cookies are also great for presents. You can put the cookies in a container and send them to people you love. They are also great for dessert when you have enough for everybody.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Many of you, like me love to eat steak. Steak is one of the best tasting meats when it's cooked correctly. For me the way I prepare steak is to put a layer of Montreal steak spice on each side. Sometimes I'll go on the internet and look for a marinade sauce and make that, but every time I make something from the internet I think that the Montreal steak spice is always better. I don’t know how you make it but, for me I prepare the steak with the spice and I turn the bbq on at 400°, once the bbq is at 400° throw your steak on and cook it. Now if you weren’t born yesterday you should know what medium rare is or rare or well done. Now it's ok if you don’t know what it is, but it's how red you want your meat in the middle. For me I think that medium rare is the best way to cook your steak but everybody has there own opinion. If you are like me and like to eat your steak with steak sauce to make it better you can either go on the internet and make one or go buy one. In my opinion for the steak sauce Heinz 57 is the best and the one in the states A1 steak sauce is horrible for meat/steak.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


There are many varieties of salads: oil and vinegar, caser salad, potato salad, macaroni salad, peanut salad, ginger salad, green salad, jello salad and of course greek salad. For the people who have eaten at my house and have tried my moms salad they have said that it is so good that it could be in a restaurant, if you know my mom you would know that she works at St. Edmond. One day she was making salad for her class for a reason unknown and all the kids said that it could be in a restaurant. As I was saying before there are many different salads like potato salad. Potato salad is my least favourite salad for some reason I don’t know why but I just don’t like the taste. The best salads are between caser salad and oil and vinegar. They are both my favourite. If I had to choose between one or the other I would chose the oil and vinegar because you could have regular oil and vinegar or balsamic vinegar. My uncle makes the best balsamic vinegar. To make caser salad take the leaves and put them into a bowl, next put the white caser sauce in the bowl with the leaves and add the croutons to the bowl (if you want really good Cesar salad make sure the croutons are garlic and butter) and if you like you can add bacon bits.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Clam pasta

My favourite food in the whole world since I was ten years old is clam pasta. I can't believe how much I love clam pasta; the taste is so amazing that every time I think of clam pasta I drool a little. There are two variations to clam pasta, one with red sauce and on with no red sauce. My favourite is the pasta without the red sauce, even thought that the one with red sauce is very good. To make red sauce clam pasta start out like any other sauce with olive oil in a frying pan and add the onion and fry them next add the garlic and of course fry them and add chili peppers and again fry them. Add a can of clams with the water juice from the can. If you're lucky like me maybe you'll find some razor clams. Next add some tomatoes and then boil them two to three minutes and then add some white wine and simmer it for 2 - 3 minutes and add 5 mls of red wine vinegar. In a separate bowl, boil some linguini and when it's all ready add to the frying pan and heat for one minute. To make regular clams it's much easier then the red sauce clam pasta. Start out with fried garlic golden brown in olive oil, add rinsed baby clams, parsley, lemon juice, half cup of water and then add salt and pepper, after all that simmer for five minutes. Pour over cooked linguini noodles and serve.

No red sauce clam pasta
2 cloves Chopped garlic
Quarter cup of olive oil
1 can rinsed baby clams
Quarter cup Chopped parsley
Juice of one lemon
Half cup of water
And salt and pepper

Red sauce clam pasta
3 cloves of chopped garlic
Quarter cup of olive oil
1 can of clams
Sprinkle of chile peppers
2 onions